CEO Speak

Creating Innovations & Enhancing Excellence

It is great time for all marketers as well as retailers and the same is applicable for Multilevel Marketing.

Indian MLM Industry is going at great gun. It is just a matter of time that some of them will venture into the International Market. Though it requires lots of application it is very much possible.

In the last few years, Indian MLM Industry has created many millionaires, however some of them deserve while some of them are lucky to earn that big fortune.

You might have attained a lucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle. If someone hands you a million dollars, you’d better hurry up and become a millionaire

A very rich man once said, “If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before.” So for the people who have earned, it is high time they should plough it back in MLM Industry by bringing more and more people into Network marketing fold and imparting networking skill to them.

Indian MLM Industry is at crossroad. It is growing very fast but not organized enough. It has done great service in terms of Personality Development and Internet Awareness among youth who were not fortunate enough to attain higher education.

At the same time it is a much maligned because of Pyramid schemes. Lot of new products and business plans has come up. But there are only few entrepreneurs who run their business in an organized manner.

Most important aspect of running MLM Business in an organized manner is the Software System. This business is completely technologically driven. If you are not using latest technology then it will not be possible for you to provide real time service to your distributors. Then they will fail to recruit new distributors as well. So investing in sate of art software is a wise thing.

Another important aspect is Training of distributors. Direct Marketing is undoubtedly a tough job, so training and motivation is a must. Training in MLM sector has also matured in India.

There are seasoned trainers who provide effective training and guidance by their motivation skill. The other aspect is managing your back office. Delivering product and payout in time is must for this Industry. You have to recruit and groom people as there are not enough of experienced people available for the job.

“ Overall this is a sun rising sector with lots of promise. What it requires is determination to succeed. Happy Networking ! ”